Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It is magic. But today it's tragic. Or was that yesterday?

Well oh wow. What a disaster this has been for me. It seems that every time I meet my mom I find out something new and disasterious (sp?) about her or my family. I can't possibly stay they. Despite that there is absolutely no room, I am in a very bad part of town. Prostitutes and hookers and drug peddlers galore. I may add that my mom is most likely a prostitute for reasons I care not to discuss.

I spent the night there and and she was up most of the night doing coke and what ever else in the bathroom. I decided that I would leave in the morning and just start hiking it through town to find some kind of refuge and possible a way out. Fortunatly Kate, my ride share, said I can crash at the place that she's crashing. What nice people they are. Oh. Might I add that I may very well have saved her life the night before when she dropped me off. See. There was this guy at my moms, probably getting work done on his pipes via mother, and he had asked to take Kate for a spin. I told Kate not to give him a ride anywhere and that she should leave ASAP.

I can't say that this day is all bad. I did an incredible amount of hiking with my pack. Rode a Ferry. Made Nora Dogg go up an esculator, in which she was very confused and frightened of. Walked the majority of New Orleans. Even the really bad parts which scared the mess out of both Nora and I. And just when I thought all was lost. Kate and her friend called and saved me from the heat. We walked all through some districts, drank coffee, did laundry, went to an underground bookstore and I got groceries at this wharehouse. I can see why people fall in love with this place. I love the neighborhoods.

OK. I'll do this later. I am distressed.

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