So after spending many nights lying awake on the couch, I do believe I know what I am doing with my money. I can't believe I fought the decision of whether I would even accept the money. It's a huge amount that I don't even consider to be mine. But my ma really wants me to have it. She says I deserve it. But half a million? A couple of thousand, sure. Maybe some here and there when I need it. Yeah. I can see that. But that large amount of money is just far beyond my comprehension.
So what am I doing with the money? Well my mind ran rampant with ideas. Ideas I never new I had. So many ideas it left me tossing about in bed. Night after night. And after having such grandiose idea. Mostly some that were just ridiculous. But I finally whittled it down to some truthful do able and responsible things. Secure.
First I'm investing more than half of it. I sat down with a financial advisor last week and told him what I am OK with . Investing wise. I should hear from him earlier this coming week with several proposals of ways to invest it. If I fail at what I will be attempting with the rest of the money, it would be nice to have a secure back up. For me and my future. And my kids future. If I have any.
Second. I'm going to pay back all the people that has helped me along the way of my life. It's been a very exciting and adventurous life. For all of us. What's the point of having such a gift if you're not gonna share. It's tricky though. I can't just give em cash. But help then in a more rewarding fashion. vague I know but I'll what to do when the times a come.
Third. I am going to start a business. And this was one the thing that kept me up. The ideas I had started modest and pure and had escalated into just a manic mess of do do. But with some talking to some friends and family I had finally carved it down to an actual do able project. Modest one. The original idea. But more firm and final.
Receiving such a large amount of money didn't go well with me cause I didn't feel I had earned it. And though I have struggled and had such a crazy life, most of those endeavors were by choice. No matter how much I deny it. They were. I also didn't want the money cause I didn't feel responsible enough. I know I've been on some meds for about a year now and everything is going fantastic, but I still think I need a bit more time to learn my new self.
I felt I had to do something worth doing with the money. And though I still feel that way I am a little less stressed on the deal. My ma had told me just to have fun with it. But I am a bit more ambitious than that. I can't help it.
So in a nut shell those are my plans. What would you do with half a million dollars?
1 comment:
Investing is a great idea. Especially if you can keep adding to it over the years and watch it grow..it's nice to know you have that security.
Also, if you do go through with the whole business idea, let me know if you'll be needing any web design work. Brad and I have been talking about doing some consulting on the side, and this would give us a good chance to get our names out there and have something solid to show people as an example of our work. Keep me informed duder!
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