Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This is vague I know. But to you. Yes

I need to really stay put and have a focus. I do have a focus. Now. Two really. I have things to work on. Dire things really. Things I set out to do and lost the sight of it through other things.
I have ideas and dreams that I really want to work on. I need to work on being more stable. This is where I want to be. Here. I'm done running around-Being "Me". The old me really.
I was working on the new me but was distracted. Not a bad distraction at all. Just one I had not considered. This will be OK.
I'm not gonna really dwell on this much more unless I really have to. Which I don't. So I won't. Enough thinking about shit. It's time to do. And take action on the dire things.
My old actions don't own me. And they don't define me. We are all not perfect. But work on these things we must. To move forward we will.
It'll be a struggle I know but nothing can compare to the struggle I've been through in the past. Be it the past three weeks in my travels. Or be it my entire life with my head. I can do this. For sure.

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